The American Association of Railroads (“AAR”) recently held its annual “Claims School” – a training and education opportunity the AAR provides to claims representatives of various railroads. Last year, Mr. Confer and Ms. Blaylock presented at the Claims School, and because that presentation was so successful, the AAR invited Mr. Confer and Ms. Blaylock to give this presentation again to a new group of attendees.
As they did last year, Mr. Confer and Ms. Blaylock walked through a “mock” litigated case from inception to trial and the role that claims specialists play throughout a case. This included initial investigation, discovery, evidentiary issues, and juror conduct. The presentation was discussion-focused, and participants were divided into three sub-groups to analyze the facts and information and how the same impacted evaluation of the case.
Further, Mr. Confer also gave a second presentation at the Claims School, wherein he discussed “Recent Legal Developments” that affect the railroad industry and especially how they impact the claims made and lawsuits filed against them. Mr. Confer has given similar presentations previously at the AAR Claims School, but this year, the presentation was focused much more on Motions, including dispositive motions and Daubert motions.
Mr. Confer and Ms. Blaylock are grateful for the opportunity to present again and hope that the information will be helpful for the AAR claims specialists throughout their careers.